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Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Sur Marathon 2010

The Big Sur Marathon starts with a 3am wake-up to make a 3:45 bus from Carmel that will take us to our start line. For those of us who walked the full marathon, that means making our way along the inky black Pacific coast to the Big Sur Ranger Station. For walkers entered in the 21 miler, they headed to the Andrew Molera Park, 5 miles north of the ranger station. Finally, there is the option to walk the 10.6 mile event leaving Rocky Point (oh the view!) or the 9 miler starting at the event finish line in Carmel and tours the unique Los Lobos Sate Park.

I knew we were in for a spectacular day when not a wisp of fog could be seen on that dark drive down the coast. The Point Sur lighthouse swooshed around the blackness for most of the drive, the stars and the milky way clearly visible through the tired glass of our school bus windows.

Once the sun cleared the horizon, the Big Sur coast boasted its finest views like a proud peacock. Audible gasps from participants could be heard at frequent intervals during the race - passing Point Sur Lighthouse, climbing Hurricane Point, snaking our way down to Bixby Bridge, catching the vista toward Rocky Point. Add to this the fun of the new mile markers, the joy of the volunteers, and the beauty of the hand-made medals at the finish line and you have the best marathon day.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Twas the night before Big Sur

...and all walkers are well hydrated, fuelled, and trying to get some sleep. Good luck! We're too excited and too terrified we will miss our buses. Those of us walking the full marathon need to be on the bus at 3:45 am, those walking the 21 miler are climbing aboard at 4:30, and 10.6 mile walkers at 6am.

It was a glorious day beside the Pacific and we are hoping for more tomorrow. Pics are not posting I will try for some tomorrow. added! Top: our WoW gang after our early Saturday morning walk along Carmel Beach. Bottom: Coach Jill, in her Boston 2010 jacket - half way to completion of the Boston to Big Sur challenge!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Walking the Boston Marathon

Yesterday, WoW Power Walking coach Jill Pettit, with her husband Jay, walked the Boston Marathon. Yes, the Boston Marathon which requires qualification times for entry!

Their times were amazing: 5:02:51 and 5:17:57. And that's just half the story. This Sunday the pair will walk the full Big Sur International Marathon - from Pfeiifer State Park to Rio Road, Carmel. They will be feted as two of a a mere couple of hundred who have completed the Boston to Big Sur Challenge 2010. And they will be the only two to have achieved that impressive feat with one foot on the ground at all times, walking!

I'll have more for you after the race!
