Strength tip for February 2010
Here is a video of the whole body strength tip described in the WoW Power Walking February Newsletter. Enjoy!
Labels: Cross training ideas
WoW Power Walking is a leading coaching program for people who want to get the most from their walking workouts. We've helped hundreds of people set and achieve challenging walking goals through our classes, online coaching, and Simple Secrets for a Great Walking Workout DVD-CD. This is the place where you can stay in touch with other like-minded walkers and have questions answered by the power walking experts. Posts by Lee will happen as often as possible and hopefully at least once a week! Return to WoW Power Walking site
Here is a video of the whole body strength tip described in the WoW Power Walking February Newsletter. Enjoy!
Labels: Cross training ideas
The attached video shows the exercise as described in our September newsletter. Try it! you'll like it!
Labels: Cross training ideas
Labels: Cross training ideas
This is the video referred to in the WoW Power Walking Newsletter of June 2009
Labels: Cross training ideas
The slow tightening of my muscles has begun as I get into some of the long distance training and speed work for the spring race season. Also, have I mentioned that my computer screen went black several months ago and I have been able to continue working on the computer's keyboard only with a computer moniter hooked up off to the left? It's creating a muscle imbalance in my neck that is becoming debilitating. If you see me and notice my head seems unnaturally turned to the left, please feel free to stand to my right so that I am forced to contract the muscles on the right side of my neck to speak to you.
Labels: Cross training ideas
With today's snow covering up some dangerous ice patches, cross country skiing might be a welcome form of cross training. Seriously, it's a good exercise to extend the range of motion through the hip joint and if you like using poles, they work better with skiis on your feet. And, your upper body will love the workout.
Labels: Cross training ideas
The WoW Power Walking program was created to help people get more fit from walking. We based the program on setting a goal for a distance event - whether it's 5k, 10k, 10 mile, half marathon, 30k, 21 mile, or full marathon.
Labels: Cross training ideas
Labels: Cross training ideas
There are people who know I am not a neat person by nature. It's not that I don't try; it's just that tidying up always seems to be something I decide can be done later. Still, there are aspects of the chaotic nature of my personal space that baffle even me. Didn't I just clean out my purse last week? So, why is it that today I can't find my way to the bottom where I know there is a pen?
Labels: Cross training ideas
Summer solstice is almost here, school will be out soon, and I am blessed with some excellent friends who happen to have spectacular cottages and inviting backyard pools. If you find yourself beside the water, playing lounge lizard and you are overcome by the need to get some blood moving, you could take advantage of the deep-end to try some water walking. Many of us have been giving our feet a pounding this spring season and they would welcome the break. Just jump in the water and tread water by moving your legs in the walking motion. It will work those walking muscles without pounding the joints. Another idea would be to move your legs out and in mimicking the jumping jack motion – great cross-training. These ideas are the perfect antidote to some other activities that happen around the pool and the lake!
Labels: Cross training ideas