The roads and trails were well trod this weekend. WoW Power Walkers stomped the trails at the Run/Walk for the Toad and still more pounded the pavement of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and the CIBC Run/Walk for the Cure.
While I wasn’t racing this weekend I did speak about power walking at the race expo for the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.I enjoy taking the opportunity to encourage walkers to put their best forward, so to speak!
Because the Steam Whistle Brewery is just beside the Metro Convention Centre where the Expo was held, I was reminded of seeing a Steam Whistle Smart vehicle driving the Don Valley parkway just this past week. On its hatchback was painted the slogan “Do one thing really, really well”.
The slogan resonated with my experience as a power walking coach and I decided to steal the Steam Whistle concept to introduce my talk, “Power Walking: Anything is Possible”.
You see, I’ve come to the conclusion that running with walking breaks doesn’t promote skill for either gait. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s always impressive to see people out participating. Covering 21 or 42 kilometres is never an accomplishment to belittle.
It’s just that when a person works at good technique with a focus on posture and speed – either walking or running, the effects are much more visible on the body. Good technique usually results in good posture – and there is nothing that radiates health and strength like good posture. Good speed is often a result of good technique (and a few intervals!) leading to improved fitness levels as revealed in key indicators such as resting heart rate, resting metabolic rate, and blood pressure.
We’re not all going to be perfect walkers since each of us is blessed with different body mechanics. Still, each of us can be enriched by the focus it takes to concentrate on walking really, really well. And each of us can take pride and enjoyment from applying that focus to power walk the entire distance of a race.
So, for those of you that walked really, really well this past weekend, grab a Steam Whistle, sit back and revel in a well-deserved rest this week!
As always, I welcome your thoughts. Please post a comment.