It felt irresponsible to write entries on a walking blog over the past week when my butt was firmly glued to the seat of my car. Yes, my family participated in the annual blue and white license plate migration to the land of oranges. It’s a long drive to the beach!
Surprisingly, for a person who spends many hours outside walking, I discovered I did not mind the drive. Predictably, since I can always be found extolling the many hidden benefits of power walking and training for marathons, I believe that walking training even prepares a person for long drives.
Marathon training has given me the ability to slow my brain. It has given me the gift of accepting the moment for what it is. During a marathon your brain simply can not move to the finish line too early. If you think about how far you have to go, the experience becomes completely odious – even impossible.
I have learned to entertain myself with my own thoughts on those long training walks and I discovered on the drive south to Florida that the skill works just as well driving for hours as walking for hours.
Now I don’t see myself buying an RV or becoming a transport trucker since I do love fresh air but I do know that when I have had enough of winter training, I don’t need anything more than my car, a little patience, and I can be taking my next walk on a beach!
I’d love to hear how you find power walking and training has enhanced your life.
Powerwalking has kept my focus on fitness alot better than running or going to the gym ever had. BUT the big thing to me is meeting great people who are truly nice, kind,considerate, helpful and at times very funny(lol). What a GREAT COMBO to order every day!