Once again milk is in the news. Back in the July 2006 issue of the WoW What’s Up Newsletter we mentioned a study that was published in the American College of Sports Medicine Journal identifying milk as an ideal post-workout food for building muscle. Then, in our September 2006 issue we reminded you that milk also provides the brain with a surge of tryptophan which is a building block for serotonin – a feel-good chemical neurotransmitter. We suggested that everyone finish off class with a small cup of hot chocolate.
Today in the Globe and Mail, there is an article that cites a study completed by McMaster University researchers confirming that milk consumed after a strength workout will help people gain more muscle and lose more fat than people who drink a sports drink at the end of a workout.
This particular study did not focus on aerobic exercise but the lead researcher is quoted as saying that other research has pointed to the benefits of milk as a good post-aerobic workout fuel. And, get this, particularly chocolate milk! So, again, why not stay after class for a small hot chocolate?
I love this. Together with the the study that promotes caffeine and exercise together as a way to ward off skin cancer, life as a power walker can’t get any better!
We now have scientifically-based, fuelling justification for our post-workout socials. We should all stay after class at the coffee shop to maximize our muscle building. Morning walkers should gather afterward for caffeine. A latte might be the ideal way to combine the benefits of caffeine and milk!! Or, better yet, perhaps we should make that a mocha? In an evening class? Avoid a caffeine overdose, if you want to get a good night’s sleep and order the hot chocolate!
If there’s any bad news in any of this, it’s that I have not seen any studies promoting whipped cream as a topper.
On a personal note, many of you know that I hate to miss a post-workout social opportunity. I have been known to “double fist” it after morning classes with a latte for my hit of caffeine and an herbal tea for hydration. In the evening, I often order a small skim milk hot chocolate and a chamomile tea.
I’d love to hear about your milk, caffeine and chocolate preferences!
Having never liked milk at any stage of my life (even during 3 pregnancies)it has never been in my diet until ‘lattes’ became so commonplace. So at least on Wed. and Fridays I get my calcium fix after a great powerwalk. Any suggestions on how to make a great glass of chocolate milk without the fat content? Or is the ‘stuff’ in cartons ok.
As far as chocolate milk goes…you could certainly buy lowfat organic chocolate milk.There’s going to be added sugar in it…so if you don’t want that, you could try a concoction of low fat milk with coc0a power (which has no fat and no sugar).
I love… orange pekoe tea in the morning, Earl Grey in the evening, dark roast in the middle and tall glasses of cold milk anytime.
When the whole family is home, we go through 8 litres of milk a week. When my daughter is away, we barely get through three.
Love your blog.