Spring conditions and 9 degrees on Tuesday night. Wild winds and -20 degrees last night. Winter storm watch tonight and possibly 30 centimeters of snow tomorrow. We’ll never get bored with the walking conditions during a Southern Ontario winter.
I love storms if I don’t have to drive anywhere. There is nothing exhilarating about a storm from the inside of a car. But there’s everything exhilarating when I can wrap myself in multiple layers and tromp through 30 centimeters of fresh snow. It may not be sport specfic training for a marathon, but it is fun and it is a workout!
If we do have a storm, tell us your storm walking tale. On second thought, why not tell us your storm walking tale before then so we can be inspired to walk our own.
A little late with this, but in Jan. 1999, when we had three continuous days of snow and schools were closed for 2 or 3 days with more storms later in the month, I bundled the 3 kids (2 1/2; 6 and 9 1/2) put two of them on a sleigh and walked downtown to Second Cup about 2.5 (5km return) for some hot chocolate. It was fun but slow, with them rolling and playing but we made it, enjoyed the ‘treat’ and went back home. It was a workout for me, with the ‘winter’ clothing on and boots and pulling two ‘big’ boys in a sleigh, but the fun and the colour in your cheeks and the cardio your body enjoys is worth it.
Another time (before kids) there was a storm and it was New Years eve and we were in Toronto living at the GRANGE. We bundled up late afternoon and walked to the Racelette for chowder and homemade bread and then proceeded for the rest of the evening having a progressive party…going from restauarant or bar for a drink or desert and then coming back (about 10km in total) to make Snow Angels in the snow at Grange Park…and the great thing was we were still sober! and felt great.