Less than 7 days until I walk the Seattle Marathon. Yesterday’s last long training walk was a good omen. The clear sky and crisp temperature on Saturday night meant that all the leaves in Oakville left their branches in one mass exodus. Sixteen kilometres kicking our way through all those new fallen leaves made me feel 10 years old.
I’m looking forward to the race and now that the training is behind me, I am just trying to eat well and rest this week. Sounds easy. In reality there seems to be so much to do to leave the house and office for a few days. Today started out well with a lunch of bean salad and hard boiled eggs. Dinner was a minestrone soup. I’ll feel great on race day if I can keep finding these good carbs for fuelling. Because I need to be well hydrated, especially since the flight to Seattle is 5 hours and 22 minutess, I’ve got a large ginger root on hand to make tea. (Did you know that ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory?)
The temperature in Seattle is hovering in the 5 to 10 degree range until Friday. My washing machine will be humming. Every possible layering item will be cleaned and ready for packing. At the those temperatures, with rain, it will be chilly. Every photo I have seen of the Seattle Marathon shows grey skies. It’s a sure thing that right up until the start I’ll be wondering if I am wearing the right clothes.
To keep with my intention of being well rested, I’ll continue the saga of my pre-race preparations on Thursday.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for sight seeing in Seattle – it’s important to have something to think about during the race!
For the parts of the race when you are not enjoying the views across Lake Washington or Seward Park or the high coming into the finish venue and you are coming to the hill at mile 21, think about Olympic Sculpture Park on the Waterfront – outdoor art park with great views of Olympic Mountain and Puget Sound; Pikes Public Market, fresh produce and where the FIRST Starbucks is; and of course, last but not least great! shopping on or just Broadway -some very interesting stores. Also, if you are the touristy type, the Space Needle is a must with a Starbucks at the top to enjoy the view. SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, an architeturally amazing building and Discovery Park, 536 acres of trails and beauty (but probably not after a marathon!) Great Museums. There is a restaurant I have heard about called Cafe Juanita – northern italian, organic, interesting, fresh, but not sure of location in relation to where you are going to be. ENJOY! Best wishes on sunday…
Fascinating to hear that ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory. How do you make the tea?
Ginger tea: Get a heathy looking speciman of ginger root. Peel (or not)the ginger root and then grate directly into a tea pot. Pour boiling water over top and let steep for at least 5 minutes. Please a small sieve over your mug to catch the grated ginger and then pour tea into your mug. Enjoy!