Snow on the ground this morning was the first, and quite possibly best, Christmas present we could have received. The walking was tricky as a sudden freeze yesterday meant that smooth ice was lurking under much of the layer of snow covering the sidewalks. But, oh, what a way to head into the next few days of indulgent eating.
The ice may have slowed my feet but a bracing wind over 8 kilometres gave my head the clearing it needed. During the hour I was out, car after car of holiday shoppers passed me en route. A strong bond of camaraderie connected me to the two runners with whom I crossed paths: fellow brave exercisers conquering the wind, cold, and snow on Christmas Eve.
For this holiday season I wish all of you the blessing of good times with family and friends. And possibly a small gift, whether its freshly fallen snow or Yaktrax, to encourage you to get outside!