by Lee Scott | Feb 1, 2008 | Class Update, Old Blog
Excessive snow, ice, and wind do not make a good combination for drivers. We will do our part to ease road chaos by cancelling class that was to meet at LaSalle Park this morning. Make up day will be announced at the next class.For today, here is an alternative for...
by Lee Scott | Feb 1, 2008 | Old Blog, Thoughts on walking
Spring conditions and 9 degrees on Tuesday night. Wild winds and -20 degrees last night. Winter storm watch tonight and possibly 30 centimeters of snow tomorrow. We’ll never get bored with the walking conditions during a Southern Ontario winter.I love storms if...
by Lee Scott | Jan 29, 2008 | Cross training ideas, Old Blog
The slow tightening of my muscles has begun as I get into some of the long distance training and speed work for the spring race season. Also, have I mentioned that my computer screen went black several months ago and I have been able to continue working on the...
by Lee Scott | Jan 22, 2008 | Nutrition/Hydration, Old Blog
I’ve been experimenting with food that has not been “designed” for athletes. For many years, I took only Clif Bars with me on walks longer than 90 minutes. Two years ago I discovered Clif Blok Shots and switched to those as I found the energy boost...
by Lee Scott | Jan 17, 2008 | Old Blog, Training considerations
As many of us write the prologue on our 2008 race training, it seems like an appropriate time to be reminded of the significance of the shorter walks in the training schedule.If you are taking classes once (or twice) a week with us, you are working at a high...
by Lee Scott | Jan 11, 2008 | Old Blog, Thoughts on walking
A few days ago I finished reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. I’m still chuckling. Bryson tried to walk the entire 2,000 miles and more of the Appalachian Trail in the summer of 1996. He never finished but I recommend the book as a reminder that...