Walking holidays

The blog may be a little on the slow side for 10 days while I head west to spend time with family, force family to walk the Victoria Half Marathon (can you hear the expletives from there???***!!!), and then follow up with a little cross-training learning how to...

Inspiration up close

Have I mentioned that I’m going to walk the Victoria Half Marathon on Thanksgiving Sunday? This race will be a first for me because several members of my immediate family will be walking it as well. This is beyond huge. The ease of coaching/inspiring a person is...

Week before the Toad

The Run for the Toad is happening this weekend and I love that race. Too bad I’m not entered. Or, possibly it’s a good thing since this may be the last week of fresh-from-the-vine tomatoes and I’m gorging on bruschetta. There aren’t many taste...

6am starts and a good attitude

Last night I set three alarms on my personal communication device for three different times: 5:00am, 5:06am, and 5:15am. Somewhere, several years ago, I read that alarm clock snooze times are set by the manufacturers for 9 minutes because that is most...

Two walking tales

Some of us walk for cappuccino, others have a more noble purpose in mind.Seven days ago I walked 10 kilometres for a tiny, delectable morsel of hand-made dark Belgian chocolate and an Illy Cappuccino. Then I walked 10 kilometers home. I know this kind of training...